Eyam Parish Church

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HistoryChurch and Churchyard

Eyam Church

A Church with a heart for God and a heart for our community

The Parish Church of St Lawrence is located in the village of Eyam in Derbyshire’s beautiful Peak District. Eyam is noted for the historical reality of the plague in 1665-66, commemorated in the village and in the church itself. But Eyam Church is not a museum looking to the past. We are a lively, worshipping community where God is active today. We are a church of all ages, and we are looking to serve the God of the Bible. Our vision is to be a church with a heart for God and a heart for our community.

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A bit more about Eyam Church

We are very much a living, vibrant and modern Church! We have lots happening on Sunday, as well as during the week. We have a strong commitment to youth work and families and have many activities for all ages.

Our Rector, Mike Gilbert, joined us here in Eyam with his wife Jenny in December 2012. Adam Innes, our Associate Pastor, arrived in August 2006. Together they minister not only to St Lawrence, Eyam but across a network of churches in the parishes of Baslow and Eyam, including the churches of St Hugh in Foolow and St Anne in Baslow.

Christian worship has taken place in Eyam for over 1000 years! Our first recorded Rector began his ministry in 1250 and the Church dates from Saxon times. St Lawrence, Eyam has huge amounts of history and played a key role in the 1665 - 66 plague when the villagers quarantined themselves to prevent the spread of the disease.

Whether you are joining us for fellowship on a Sunday or visiting our historic Church; we look forward to welcoming you in person!

Eyam Church is a place of Blessing where together we become more like Jesus and share more of Jesus with others. As we travel together we learn to live as Christ taught, we encourage one another in prayer and Word, and in faith, hope and love.

Our vision...

  • ...is to be a Church characterised by fellowship, experienced in many ways and particularly in accessible small groups.
  • We will have a broad and accountable leadership which listens well and ensures good communication.
  • Our purpose is through prayer, worship and Bible study, to grow evangelising disciples who, enabled by the Holy Spirit, exercise their gifts.
  • We will celebrate our young people as integral members of the body of Christ. 
  • We will strive by God's grace to be a light in our local community.