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About us/Sunday services
Please get a short doc from the office with service times
To follow. I’m asking the relevant people for photos. I suggest we need links to potted biographies of Mike and Adam and our new youth worker.
“A Heart for God and a Heart for our Community” is our motto at Eyam Parish Church. Our heart is to care for our community because people matter to God and therefore matter to us.
We have a Care Team at Eyam Church who are willing and able to lend a hand to help with short-term care needs in our community.
If you have a short-term need that we may be able to help with please contact the office, and a member of the Care Team will get in touch with you.
First Friday of each month – 12.00 noon to 1.30pm in Eyam Church Centre.
Homemade soup, fresh bread, homemade cakes and tea and coffee all for £3.00 – proceeds go to charities.
Every Friday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon – Eyam Church Centre.
Good coffee, tea and biscuits – a place where people of all ages from the village meet, along with visitors too, from the youngest child to the oldest adult.
All are welcome.
The prayer ministry team are available after every Sunday service to listen and to pray. Prayer and anointing for God's blessing are also offered during our Communion services.
We believe that this is one of the ways we can show the love of Jesus to anyone who visits our Church. We would consider it a joy and privilege to share prayer with you.
There is also a box to the right of the plague register in the church for prayer requests to be placed in confidence – the Prayer Ministry Team will pray through that request. We have received many notes of thanks over the years for prayer requests that have been answered as we have interceded, for which we offer thanks and praise to God.
First Saturday of each month at 10.00 am
There have been many great explorers through the years; Columbus, Marco Polo, Walter Raleigh, Amundsen, Michael Palin & Indiana Jones! They led famous expeditions, searched the continents for artefacts and other treasures and had great adventures discovering things.
At Eyam Church, through the Christianity Explored course we help people explore the Christian faith, the treasures of the Bible and one life, the life of Jesus. You do not need to know anything about Christianity. Just come along, be open, be honest and explore for yourself. Ask any questions you have and make your own mind up about Jesus.
Christianity Explored gives you time and space to think through who Jesus is, why it matters and what it means to follow him today.
We would like to invite you to come along, join us and find out for yourself,
Contact Adam Innes (01433 639902) for more information.
If you want to get a taste of what goes on at Eyam Church listen to some of our recent talks here