Eyam Parish Church

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Families matter to Eyam Church

For all the family

Familes Matter in Eyam Church

Some of our activities



Families matter at Eyam and are at the core of our ministry.  So throughout the week we have activities to support and encourage families.

Mums and Tots

Monday Morning

From 10.00 - 11.30 am there is "Toddlers", a popular group attended by parents and guardians with their babies and toddlers. With good tea and coffee, juice and biscuits, it is a place where positive relationships are built and where children and parents make friends.

There is normally a craft activity for older children, plus plenty of toys for them all to enjoy. The session ends with some fun songs together in the lounge area.

Friday mornings

Coffee Morning

10.00 am- 12 noon

For all the Eyam community and those from farther afield - where young and old meet together for good tea and coffee.

Second Sunday Mornings - Messy Church

Messy Church happens usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the church centre from 9 to 10.30am, starting with breakfast. It’s for all the family and it is lively, interactive and messy – lots of fun. After a good breakfast we normally do craft and other fun activities around a theme, then come together for a celebration. Everyone is invited. Enquiries to Bob Jackson: venerablebob@gmail.com

Whether you’re used to church or have never been before, come along and you’ll find a great welcome, make new friends and discover more about the Christian faith.

Saturday morning

Who let the dads out?

Once a month its Who let the dads out?

9.00 - 11.30 am

Especially prepared for Dads (or male guardians) along with primary school aged children, and younger, with activities (play, crafts etc) for Dads to take part in with their children.

WLTDO? is open to all dads, male carers and their children within our community regardless of whether or not they are churchgoers.

Normally we meet on the second Saturday of the month in the Church Centre.

Bacon sandwiches, toast, good coffee and tea along with plenty of activities for the kids.

At Eyam Parish Church Families Matter, and for that reason through WLTDO? we want to encourage dads... because being a dad matters.

No need to book. Just turn up.