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Children matter at Eyam Parish Church

Children matter

Children are special to God and therefore special to us at Eyam Parish Church.



Here at Eyam children matter...

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them”.  Children are special to God and therefore special to us at Eyam Parish Church.

There are activity groups for children both on Sundays and during the week in the Church Centre.


5.30 pm to 6.45 pm "KicKstart" - a group for boys and girls aged 6 – 11, with games, crafts, stories and lots of fun.

Sunday Mornings

Crèche - there is a crèche every Sunday in the Church Centre for babies and children up to the age of two.

Activity Bags are also available in church for young children.

Scramblers - a group for children 3 - 5 years old, consisting of Bible Stories, craft and songs.

Explorers - a group for children 6 - 10 years old. In this group we help the children to know Jesus better so they can have a personal relationship with Him, through studying passages from the Bible, worship and witnessing to others.

CYFA for ages 11-13.  Link to CYFA section

Holiday Club

We run a holiday club every year for children of primary school age on various themes. In the past we have travelled in space, spent a week with pirates, voyaged on an adventure cruise and been into the Wild West with Marshal Marsh.

There are opportunities for those aged eight and over every year to go to Christian camps and holidays.

All our children's and youth groups are affiliated to Urban Saints.

Mums and Tots

Monday Morning

From 10.00 - 11.30 am there is "Toddlers", a popular group attended by parents and guardians with their babies and toddlers. With good tea and coffee, juice and biscuits, it is a place where positive relationships are built and where children and parents make friends.

There is normally a craft activity for older children, plus plenty of toys for them all to enjoy. The session ends with some fun songs together in the lounge area.


Eyam Parish Church takes seriously its duty of care for children, young people and vulnerable adults attending worship or other activities. Eyam is subject to the Derby Diocese Safeguarding Children and Young People policies and procedures, and we work closely with the diocese to ensure good practice.

Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS – the replacement for the Criminal Records Bureau) checks are completed on all those working with our children and young people and in wider ministries associated with vulnerable adults, and there is a regular programme of ongoing safeguarding training for those involved in these activities.