Eyam Parish Church

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HistoryChurch and Churchyard

Eyam Church decorated for harvest

Point of interest in Eyam Church and Churchyard

Finding your way around Eyam Parish Church

We have a booklet to guide you around the points of interest in Eyam Church and Churchyard. Available on the bookstall when you visit us.


Materials available from the Church to help you plan your visit.

William Mompesson booklet (£1.00)

‘Ring-a-ring of Roses’ leaflet (20p)

‘Look at Eyam’ – a children’s guide (£1.00)

Points of interest leaflet for the Church & Churchyard (70p)

Some Plague Cures leaflet (70p)

Mompesson’s letter (80p)

History Trail (£1.00)

Map of Eyam (50p)

Sundial leaflet (50p)

Colour postcards of various features of the Church (30p)

Large colour postcards of Plague Window & Register (50p)

All of the above are available (PLUS post and packing) from the Parish Administrator.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘EYAM P.C.C.’.

A Teacher’s Pack is available (£15.00p including post and packing). Please note that all the above material is copyright. Please DO NOT photocopy.

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